World War II Memorial
In memory of those who gave their lives for their country in World War II, 1941–1945.
Erected by Mrs. Dean Swearingen through the generosity of the people of Lewis County Kentucky. Refurbished by Disabled American Veterans, Lewis County Chapter 150.
Memorial is at the intersection of Second Street and Court Street, on the right when traveling east on Second Street.
U.S. Army
Armstrong, Ermal E.
Armstrong, James
Bloomfield, Carlen
Bodkins, James I.
Brewer, Homer C.
Bruce, Alexander T.
Bunch, Leland O.
Conley, Clyde
Cottingham, C., Jr.
Cox, Raymond L.
Davenport, Kenneth G.
Durham, Robert L.
Evans, Raymond E.
Ginn, Andrew F.
Hamilton, Lawrence
Hardy, Maurice C.
Harrison, Marion D.
Hausley, John E.
Hickle, Charles
Horsley, Floyd
Hughes, Percy D.
Jones, Norman
Kilgore, Clyde E.
Logan, Fulton
Lowder, Rowland O.
McClurg, Ben
McEldowney, Chas. I
Nolen, Earsel
Payton, Russell L.
Perry, Charles E.
Picklesimer, G. B.
Polley, Everett K.
Rice, George W.
Rolph, Elma
Sapp, Dallas L.
Silvey, Hurley R.
Smith, Winnie
Sparks, Alva
Spriggs, Charles
Staton, James E.
Stone, Fielden
Stone, Tinsley
Stone, William O.
Thacker, James L.
Vance, Roy
Voiers, Charles
Wells, Charles R.
Wilson, Eugene D.
White, Porter E.
Willis, Leslie H.
Young, Tom H.
U.S. Coast Guard
U.S. Marines
Burns, Virgil
Cooper, Melvin W.
Cooper, Richard W.
Crisp, James H.
Esham, Gilbert C.
Harr, Howard R.
Ingram, Joseph A.
Kennard, James D.
Meadows, Estell Lee
Penrod, Charles H.
Richardson, Homer
Roe, Arlin F.
Ruggles, Donald N.
Air Force
Lewis, George M., Jr.

U.S. Air Force
Air Force. Lewi, George M., Jr.